Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 2:08 PM
To: Customer Service
Subject: Sactional Feedback
Hi there, New York city Manhattan New York New York
So I have been a relatively satisfied owner of your Sactional for over
a year now, I must have been among the first buyers! I'm pretty sure I
registered our sactional, but I don't think the extended warranty
through product registration was available when I bought your product.
That's pretty annoying.
{This photo is actually my the LS Web Director & Crew setting up at a recent photo shoot - good stuff to come soon}....
In any case, I thought I would just let you know that although this
product has some interesting configurations, the really great thing is
how versatile it is for cramped
I know who live in
apartments, and can't seat more than 3 people in a common living
space. In our tiny, less-than-500-square-feet apartment, we have our
Sactionals, which accommodate two adults comfortably lounging
(something we were never able to do before!) or 6 people seated pretty
easily. Better yet! The poor souls I know who invested in a pricey
sectional are now stuck only ever living at apartments that can
accommodate it, and organizing every living room they ever have around
the orientation of their sectional. It was actually for this reason
that I scoured the web for a product like yours! I'm just surprised
I'm not seeing more of them around.
Perhaps you can orient your marketing in
highly-flexible living solution for constrained spaces...something New
Yorkers are constantly on the lookout for. You may have an easier time
if you update some of the materials available--our cushions are not
keeping their shape, and the red twill covers we bought have been
pilling. Also, I didnt realize there was white contrast stitching on
them--something I regret about our purchase--it took a very cool red
couch and made it look college dorm-y...not something that would go
over well for the
forking out this kind of cash for a couch?). So, perhaps if you
targeted your marketing and had more of the affordable options
available, the space-constrained cost-conscious Manhattanites like
myself would be buying them up left and right.
All in all, I feel very savvy for having discovered your product, and
it has made a huge difference to our quality of life. And unlike many
people I know, I am actually looking forward to the next place we live
in to see how great a seating solution I can come up with with my
Sactionals. I just wish there were slightly chic-er cover options that
didn't double the price of the product (because the people who truly
need this kind of versatility don't have a lot of space, and hence,
money), and that more people knew about them!
One last thing...because of some truly weird layouts that exist in
this city, you may want to consider showing a configuration that will
allow a sactional to wrap around a 90-degree corner (think about a
typical sectional layout, but putting the side-pieces on the opposite
side of the bases). Just a thought.
I luvz my LoveSac! We are in Alaska, we are getting the Sport Sac so we can film a video of the SuperSac going down the Girdwood SKi Slope, if it works we are taking it to Valdez. We have pictures traveling with it attached to the top of our Jeep. The stares we get! It's a hit in Alaska! Rock On Shawn!
Posted by: WHIT | July 16, 2008 at 01:41 PM
Hi, Im a blogger, entrepreneur and media type person from South Africa. What sort of scope for international franchises is there with LoveSac??
Any potential of moving in to South Africa?
This isn't a joke either, I'm really asking quite sincerely.
Contact me if you have some time, I'd love to chat.
Posted by: Nic | July 10, 2008 at 05:57 PM