After a getting kicked out of the Jordan Creek Mall in Iowa's parking lot "No fixing of vehicles on-site" for spray=gluing and spray painting (touch ups) the LoveSac Bus wrap (it takes abeating on the road), Eddie and I just made the drive. 12 hours, straight through, from Omaha to Texas, all in the name of the Sac.
Omaha LoveSac tore it up. We literally re-wired and re-lighted that entire store in one day. I am now the king of track lighting. As I train our people in my visits: "Make it happen." It takes a man of many talents to hang at the Sac (and I don't mean me). All of our Sac'rs are just known for making it work. Mark and the crew were great to train, and even more dedicated to making their store look matter how much I run over them. Eddie, as always, worked his butt off, and we made a HUGE difference in that store. I am now a track lighting installation professional/Rebel Billionaire.
I had a few "Show me the money" customers come in. Marty was one of them. Marty owns 2 Big Ones and a MovieSac. YEAH. That is a LoveSac loyalist. I tried to hit him up for the Sactionals, but he is blinded by the enormity of the SacHe caught me on the ladder as I literally installed all new track lighting in Omaha. I HATE Flourescent lights.
Then ther was Aaron, another Sac owner, who came in to claim his $50, take home some throw pillows, and proceeded to tell me how he uses his Sac in this little vid...
Also in Omaha, I ran into most of the O.G. LoveSac crew! Miriam came by, as well as the infamous Omaha twins. Clint is back on the staff (about time), and kickin' it real in the Sac. I love it when true Sac'rs return to the fold.
The drive from Omaha to Texas was nuts. I swear we are taking over the great plains. We stopped at the 24 hour ATM at the Sac Credit Union to withdraw some fundage. That's right! We have our very own Kansas no less! We also have our own Casino, and, as Joe will tell you, it is becoming a bit of a tradition to stop and....get a bite to eat (at 3 am).
Now we're in Dallas. Eddie drove the last 5 hours. WAY TO GO Eddie!!! He handled the Sacs Machine with ease. I fixed stuff. Guitar Hero is now a permanent fixture on the LoveSac Bus.
I'll be at the Dallas Galleria tonight hanin' with the lovely Kai, THE SAC'R WHO HAS BEEN WITH LOVESAC, STRAIGHT, LONGER THAN ANYONE IN THE COMPANY OTHER THAN MYSELF!(Friday, Nov 21) until close, and then at Stonebriar tomorrow (Morning), and all day Sunday. Stop by and say "Shawny D., show me the money," and I give you $50.
Not a bad deal if you ask me.
PS: Big ups to my girl Annie Aziz, who, while still recovering from being ran over by a tractor IN HER LIVING ROOM, is still representing the LoveSac brand. It saved her life!!! She was on Fox News, NATIONAL, just the other day, telling her crazy story (Check out my blog 4 previous).
Keep rockin' the Sac on the front lines....
--Shawny D.
I can't believe they kicked you out off the parking lot. LAME. Jordan Creek mall fuzz does NOT LoveSac.
Posted by: Alyx | November 21, 2008 at 08:40 PM