Scientists now know that the brain is incapable of paying attention to two things at the same time. What looks like multitasking is really switching back and forth between multiple tasks, which reduces productivity and increases mistakes by up to 50 percent. - Susan Cain, Quiet
Stop. Look up. Really listen. Take a genuine interest in what others are saying. Think about what they've said and respond with helpful and relevant solutions. Herein lies one of my greatest personal weaknesses. Somehow I am more guilty than anyone of distraction. It is a personal goal to be more present--more in the moment, 100% engaged more of the time.
Focus on what you're doing now and get it DONE. Make a goal to get something done or reach a goal, and stay focused on it until it happens. MAKE it happen. If another or a more important priority (or person/customer/co-worker) should interrupt, then switch gears totally, and totally focus on them...after all, if it is true that you can only do one thing at a time, you might as well do it really well.
(A pep talk to myself)
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