For my 100th blog I must share my gratitude toward all those of my LoveSac family who practically healed me, using the ancient Chinese medicine of Xiao hua. While laying in a hospital bed in Shanghai I received a bunch of emails from my various LoveSac stores back in the U.S., wishing me well. While laughter is commonly the best medicine, I must say that a few of these may be the reason the scar in my gut will now be a bit deeper than it might have been otherwise. Check out a few of the best, below...
[In case you missed it, the day after being peeped on by window washers at 100 stories high, while visiting the tallest urinal in the world in Shanghai (see left), and only 6 hours before my 14 hour flight home from China, I awoke with some ridiculous pain in my gut. I've always wondered how I would know if my appendix were to burst--how I'd be able to tell the difference between a stomach ache or just bad gas. Well, all I can say is, I knew. At first it kind of felt like I had done 1000 sit ups using just one stomach muscle on my lower right abdomen. I actually tried stretching out in bed, but it was clear that this pain was even beneath the muscle layer. By the time I made it to my laptop to google the "best hospital in Shanghai for a foreigner" I could barely stand. I threw on some clothes, got in a cab, and headed to the hospital. While my fellow LoveSac deigners boarded our flight home, I was being shaved for surgery. Sexy!!!]
Let the healing begin. First up: a word from my own appendix:
Next up: Mayfair, WI, LoveSac with only this explanation: "Upon dressing the mannequin, we realized that this young fellow looked much like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. So then we realized, this sad excuse of a mannequin would be the closest any of us would get to meeting the legendary Mr. Katie Holms, so of course, we had to get our photo op."
Thank goodness I had warned the stores they had better keep their well-wishes PG-13 or who knows what might have remained behind that pixelated region. (a sock, apparently)
Then there was Natick, MA LoveSac. Sadists:
Katie, from LoveSac, Atlanta, unleashed never-before-seen-footage from the hotel pool at our Georgia store openings. "Shawn - Remember that time you tricked Torin into giving you his iPhone (that's so cool man, lemme see) and then pushed him fully clothed into the pool? (HA!) And you guys were having a contest for cannonball flips to try mightily to splash the crap out of me? Most importantly : DO YOU REMEMBER WHO WON THE RACE FOR POOL DOMINATION!?!?!? Want to see you back in fighting form soon.
Then there was our next-to-top store in the country: King of Prussia, Philadelphia, PA. Just stick with it. It'll give you a read into this magic that we call "LoveSac":
Needless to say, I'm feeling much better already--and the scar to prove it. Two weeks since my surgery and the stitches are out, I'm back to the grind now. Many thanks to the many Sac'rs out there who, at least, have to pretend they love me.
I love and appreciate all ya all.
-- Shawny D.
IS THIS SEXIST??? comment & win
Last month I asked y'all to comment on our bizarre take on Easter (see a few posts previous). Some of you had some REALLY insightful comments, and I would love to get some more on this month's LoveSac ad/window poster: "Mom's Love Sac too." IS THIS SEXIST? Comment here.
I guess it could be viewed as sexist on a few levels...but without any hints, what do you think? Or is it just cute? Or just funny? Or not funny at all? What feelings/emotions/thoughts does our image conjure up? Is it good for sales, or not? Does it get your attention, or not? Do you care?
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment. I read every one last time. I will send my favorite couple of comments (submitted no later than Thurs April 30th) one of our limited edition MOM blankets (shown in poster), just in time for Mother's Day! Don't hold back. Say anything you like, good, bad, or ugly (but no F words). My "favorite" comments aren't always ones that praise our work. I just like a good point.
Rock on (from the dark side of the planet)... I LOVE MY MOM! HAPPY MOM'S DAY!
-- Shawny D.